A Different Kind of March Madness

basketball-390008_1920Like many other folks around the country now due to the rapidly spreading COVID-19 virus, my family and I are shut in for a good little while, only going out when absolutely necessary. Thankfully, we’ve been healthy and pray to remain so. I’m wishing the best for you and yours during these times. It’s a challenge like no other I’ve ever seen, but I trust we’ll get through it. I’m also praying for families who’ve been affected.

School’s out for a few weeks, but my daughter’s already received homework assignments from a few teachers, which will keep her busy. Without the NCAA March Madness basketball tournaments (men and women), I’ve got no choice BUT to write more. I’ve got a sizable TBR pile to go through as well. That doesn’t say I’m not missing them, because Lord knows all of us in the house are. It’s been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I can only imagine the myriad of feelings the players are going through too. On the other hand, I reckon that just means that UVA remains the champions for another year! Okay by me! [We’re also striving to continue finding humor around here, too.]

We had our last major outing over the weekend with the “Books in Bloom” event in 20200314_142810which I was invited with other Richmond authors, sponsored by the Catholic Women’s Club of Richmond. It was a lovely event and I’m grateful to have been a part of it. The most difficult part was not shaking hands or even offering hugs… it really was! This social distancing is hard even for an introvert like me…  I mean, not even a handshake! But – it’s what we have to do.

A container or two of hand sanitizer has always been a staple in my purse, thankfully, so we didn’t have to cut through the rampage of those buying it seemingly for the first time. The fact that reminding folks to wash their hands is on the list of daily news items now remains troubling to me (I never want to know who doesn’t wash their hands before they leave the bathroom or even before they fix food – that rant is over; Jesus…), however, I hope it’s a practice that many will continue going forward even after this crisis has passed.

Here are in-depth points about the concept of Social Distancing by The Atlantic magazine that’s worth reading: Click here for “The Dos and Don’ts of Social Distancing”.

During this crisis, we have to be more mindful about our daily habits and contact around others. A few reminders:

  • Don’t touch your face.
  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water. If not available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Wash your fruits and vegetables from the store before preparation.
  • In public, keep your distance of about six feet between you and others.
  • Discard your used tissues and then clean your hands.
  • If you’re feverish, get to your doctor or nearby medical facility.

We’ve also cut out our gym visits for now. I’ve got equipment at home, but I’m more motivated and inclined to use those at the gym, so this is a new adjustment as well. The track at our gym is where I often clear my mind, and even listen to my stories shape up seanconnerydarbyin my head. Looks like it’s either running in place in front of the TV or finding someplace outside somewhere – if possible – to run. A Peloton would certainly be handy now. Keeping active is also very important to do. How are you staying active? Please share. 

This St. Patrick’s Day, I think I’ll watch Darby O’Gill and the Little Peopleyoung Sean Connery, y’know…

I wish you and your family well during these times. When we ventured to the stores this weekend (bread was ALL GONE!), the sensation of what’s going on was in high gear. The cloudy skies around here at the time didn’t help either. As soon as I got back home, I dropped on the couch and escaped into a Hallmark movie. Do take time to watch something or read something other than the news for a bit. Binge on a comedy series on one of the streaming services. Frozen 2 is on Disney Plus now, a few weeks earlier than planned. Since we missed it at the theatre, I’m looking forward now to watch it at home. I may look for some old NCAA basketball tournaments online to keep the general feeling of this time frame alive, too.

I also wish you comfort and peace. Enjoy this extended time with your family. Be sure to check on your elderly friends and family members. Reach out to your friends and family in the healthcare industry. Keep them in prayer – I certainly am. Take your vitamins and supplements. Be sure to wash your fruits and vegetables before preparing or eating! Exercise several times a day if not daily, even if it means to run in place for about twenty minutes. Stay active mentally… read, write, draw, play music. Buy from small businesses online. Order to-go from your favorite restaurant that’s closed to dining in for a while. Feel free to let me know how you’re getting through it all too. I’ll write again soon. Stay well. With love…

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