A Writer’s Update

writers block paper

I hope you’re continuing to do well and keeping safe and healthy. It is a stressful time and I keep everyone in prayer. In some way or another, many of us have been affected by this pandemic via someone we know directly or indirectly who has dealt with it and survived and worse, who did not.

So, at a moment when time appears to be on my side for writing, it’s barely happening. Words aren’t easy for me to draft in fiction nor oddly enough in my journal. So, instead, as enjoy the extra time with my family, I read (though I’m slogging through the books I’d normally fly though) and watch light televisions shows (old reruns of favorite sitcoms mainly and Hallmark movies – specifically the Christmas ones as they’ve popping back on over the weekends; the soft and familiar work best for me right now), as well as playing word games and with drawing and home design apps on my phone. Attending the TCM Film Festival Home Edition was an unexpected, great treat as well.

My old exercise wheel is out in full view now along with my resistance bands, so I have to use them. Really a must now since I realized that in spite of the fact I haven’t baked a cake in years – I can still bake a damned good cake! Have you been trying new recipes and baking lately? Send me your recipes!! I love trying new ones too and my Pinterest boards are forever filling up with some.

My daughter’s teachers are still sending work which she gladly does to keep her mind


occupied after TV shows, movies, and her music overstay their welcome. I remind her the teachers’ homework is also a vital way of staying connected with their students, with what they do. It’s not easy for them either watching their year end like this. My mom retires this year from teaching and after nearly forty years of teaching elementary school, it sucks for it to screech to such a halt. My daughter’s lucky in this sense to be in this generation during her high school years (any year actually) with such technology for her friends to stay in constant touch. My heart breaks for high school and college seniors who were looking forward to the experience of prom and graduation ceremonies and are instead left with this time as the focal point of their senior year. A few of her best friends are seniors and they’re understandably upset. On the other hand, I think it will also give that class a unique camaraderie that will carry them through for reunions and lifelong events – I hope so.

mirror mantel

In the meantime, continue to stay safe and feel free to share how you’re doing.

Also – please share some books! I still need to get Hilary Mantel’s newest: the third of her Thomas Cromwell trilogy: The Mirror and the Light! And I’ve waited with bated breath for it to come out!! Have you read it? Here are my reviews on the first two:

Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel
Bring Up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel

I will get back to writing very soon. I know that for a fact – it’s what I do – and I look forward to giving you a solid update on my next book to come.

Thank you for reading! For immediate publishing updates, please stop by my website and sign up for my newsletter. My thanks to you is a FREE story – Without Your Goodbye!

8 thoughts on “A Writer’s Update

  1. There is a piece of advice I learned in high school that helps when writing: “just write, don’t think about”. Then go back and edit what you just wrote.
    Yes, the pandemic has affected everyone- things we wanted to do got postponed. Some things in my life are still normal- pretty much everything I usually do at home. Will so happy once everything will go back to the regular “normal”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That advice holds true. Can be hard sometimes to not tinker with it as you go along, but the writing is indeed so much better to work with in edits when you don’t. Yep – I’m looking forward to “normal” again too.


      1. I actually have been struggling with that advice with my 2nd WIP- Lizzy the Lizard has the challenge of it being a picture book.

        Tale of the Cattail Forest- that was the easiest book to write. For whatever reason, in the middle of writing, my characters started writing the story


      2. I can’t illustrate any books- I am not a good drawer.
        I never thought that my characters would start writing Tale of the Cattail Forest


      3. Sometimes characters do things that I thought would never happen. Characters can completely change what you originally thought would happen


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