The Balance of Writing

Image by Tonya Rice

I could easily let Joan Didion‘s words speak for me as they simply do, but I’d be remiss to use this spot not to elaborate just how this is the case.

Since the dawn of my time, I’ve kept a diary, journal whatever one may call it now. It captures my thinking to process the whats, whys, and helps to discover the hows that may need to follow.

If I’m not writing fiction, I’m clearing my head through my fingertips. It relieves the over-saturation of life clustered in one big ball in my mind, my head, my full-on brain. Migraines and basic headaches do live there occasionally, so the words being knocked away from that glowing mass of pain can help to ease it. So even if the daily headache has taken a break from me for a day or so, writing still offers solace and a cushion just for me on a whole. It keeps me level, from feeling I’m about to keel over on either side of myself or even backwards or flat on my face.

Utter discomfort on the other hand comes through fiction. There are thoughts I don’t wish to see in print, yet, they manage to find their way through characterization. I’ve learned to actually honor those moments – since, while I’m still tethered to them, I’ve gotten power over them; they’re not paralyzing. They’re all in front of me and I either write what’s there without a filter or move them all around like marionettes with my full control over the action and outcome. It’s those raw, Jackie Collins moments, where I let shit fly and that’s when I’m at my writing best.

In all cases, I’m writing.

How does writing help you? Do you write to process life too? Please share in the comments. If not, try it and feel free to let me know the feeling for you in the comments, too.

Do you ever think about writing a story? I’ve got some terrific writing prompts you can use! Click here for my FREE 25 Fiction Writing Prompts and write away!

7 thoughts on “The Balance of Writing

  1. I have to write in order to be–to be alive. It’s what gets me up in the morning. If I’m not actually writing (writing is SO hard!), I’m thinking about my writing in one way or another.


    1. Exactly! They say when we aren’t, were thinking about it, which explains the glassy-eyed stare I’ve got sometimes. And it’s cramming and jamming all up in my head until I do. I’m soooo glad to hear from you, too!!


  2. Writing gives me a wonderful creative outlet. I live vicariously through my characters and I’m always surprised and delighted when they go off in a direction I didn’t see coming.

    I hope to publish my novel eventually but, in the meantime, I keep a quote from author Richard L. Mabry, M.D., taped to the bottom of my computer screen. Dr. Mabry wrote, “Remember, it’s all a matter of timing — not yours, but God’s. And, as I’ve said before, if no one but you ever reads the words you’re putting on the page, you’ve at least reached one person. And maybe that’s the plan.”

    By the way, I finally got around to reading Burying the Bitter: A Boutique Series Short in October. I write about it in my blog post on November 11. I hope you’ll be pleased with what I say.

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    1. Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to it! 🙂 That’s a great quote. Thanks too for sharing it! I used to be a pantser, watching the stories completely on their own, but a few years ago, I started outlining for a sense of structure and time. The story still veers away and that is the best part – the characters remind me that they still have a sense of control, yet it still stays within the framework of the outline. That’s when I know the characters told me what to write from the beginning! 😁

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      1. You’re welcome, Tonya! Glad to put in a good word for you and your writing any time I can.

        I outline now, too, but it gives me chills when a character comes up with a detour. I want to “high 5” them! LOL!

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